Coming back from any setback or injury is always going to test you physically and mentally. An ACL or anything that keeps you out for a significant amount of time becomes that much more difficult as mentally the negative thoughts and questions build up! Will I be right? Will my knee hold up? Will it go again? What is stopping me from getting injured again? These are all normal thoughts and nerves that will manifest over and over naturally. Don't let this hold you back too much though!For me, I learnt that having a plan, accountability and knowledge was crucial and would therefore go about ticking off everything that was required before coming back. Not everything will go as planned as it didn't for me, but it will give you the best chance and this way there is no stone left unturned. You will then take so much confidence from all the work that you have put in which in the long run, will pay off! #mindset #allworthit #MTMF

Coming back from any setback or injury is always going to test you physically and mentally. An ACL or anything that keeps you out for a significant amount of time becomes that much more difficult as mentally the negative thoughts and questions build up! Will I be right? Will my knee hold up? Will it go again? What is stopping me from getting injured again? These are all normal thoughts and nerves that will manifest over and over naturally. Don't let this hold you back too much though!For me, I learnt that having a plan, accountability and knowledge was crucial and would therefore go about ticking off everything that was required before coming back. Not everything will go as planned as it didn't for me, but it will give you the best chance and this way there is no stone left unturned. You will then take so much confidence from all the work that you have put in which in the long run, will pay off! #mindset #allworthit #MTMF

Proprioception work is something I do every week in the gym. Even now, years after my last ACL. It's all about improving & getting better than you were pre injury! ?I love this exercise as there's no hiding on the spring board therefore you can't shy away from any deficiencies but instead work on them. This is an exercise that would come towards the end of an ACL rehab, not too soon. Also don't jump too far ahead with this without building up a lot of confidence and stability work through easier balance and bosu exercises! #functionalstrength #MTMF

Proprioception work is something I do every week in the gym. Even now, years after my last ACL. It's all about improving & getting better than you were pre injury! ?I love this exercise as there's no hiding on the spring board therefore you can't shy away from any deficiencies but instead work on them. This is an exercise that would come towards the end of an ACL rehab, not too soon. Also don't jump too far ahead with this without building up a lot of confidence and stability work through easier balance and bosu exercises! #functionalstrength #MTMF

It's so important to have outlets throughout any setbacks or recovery. Whether it be a hobby, study or work, it helps keep the balance needed throughout difficult times. For me it was coaching, studying as well as other things to turn too when footy wasn't going as I wanted. Commentating was one that kept me focused on the game rather than realising the disappointment of not being out there playing. Everyone is different with unique interests, just try and find out what works for you to stay positive when things aren't going to plan! #MTMF

It's so important to have outlets throughout any setbacks or recovery. Whether it be a hobby, study or work, it helps keep the balance needed throughout difficult times. For me it was coaching, studying as well as other things to turn too when footy wasn't going as I wanted. Commentating was one that kept me focused on the game rather than realising the disappointment of not being out there playing. Everyone is different with unique interests, just try and find out what works for you to stay positive when things aren't going to plan! #MTMF

Always ? receiving feedback & hearing that our ACL Plan & other recovery info has benefitted & assisted individuals overcoming their own setbacks! All the best @jordynalgar – hard work pays off & it's all worth it! ? #Repost @peaqconditioning We are humbled to be a part of the journey to recovery with @jordynalgar who unfortunately tore her ACL playing Netball last year and missed out on a Grand Final. In addition to our training, Jordyn draws inspiration from Adelaide boy and current @geelongcats player, @danielmenzel10 who has created @mtmf… after himself missing out on a Grand Final due to a torn ACL. We are with you every step of the way Jordyn and look forward to you getting back on court!

Always ? receiving feedback & hearing that our ACL Plan & other recovery info has benefitted & assisted individuals overcoming their own setbacks! All the best @jordynalgar - hard work pays off & it's all worth it! ? #Repost @peaqconditioning We are humbled to be a part of the journey to recovery with @jordynalgar who unfortunately tore her ACL playing Netball last year and missed out on a Grand Final. In addition to our training, Jordyn draws inspiration from Adelaide boy and current @geelongcats player, @danielmenzel10 who has created @mtmf... after himself missing out on a Grand Final due to a torn ACL. We are with you every step of the way Jordyn and look forward to you getting back on court!

I got a chance to catch up with Hannah a year ago after she was diagnosed with severe bilateral osteochondritis dissecans in both knees.She sent me this photo after her 5th surgery captioning -#MTMF helping me out through rehab.Unfortunately, so many people go through different setbacks and challenges and through this it is normal to be down and depressed at times, but it is how you respond and bounce back that inspires others and shows your true character!Love seeing you so positive @hannahhobbs_ ?

I got a chance to catch up with Hannah a year ago after she was diagnosed with severe bilateral osteochondritis dissecans in both knees.She sent me this photo after her 5th surgery captioning -#MTMF helping me out through rehab.Unfortunately, so many people go through different setbacks and challenges and through this it is normal to be down and depressed at times, but it is how you respond and bounce back that inspires others and shows your true character!Love seeing you so positive @hannahhobbs_ ?

It's key to have good facilities & coaching throughout any recovery! I've been fortunate to work with the guys at #kieseraustralia in Geelong this pre season to get the body ready for 2017 ??#Repost @kieseraustralia Footy is back! Geelong Cats player @danielmenzel10 is excited after doing some rehab at Kieser Geelong in preparation for the 2017 season. Dan has had 4 ACL reconstructions – check out Dan's website @mtmf to read his story and hear his advice on the physical and mental aspects of injury recovery! You might also want to get yourself a hat! #rehab #footy #kieser #acl #mtmf

It's key to have good facilities & coaching throughout any recovery! I've been fortunate to work with the guys at #kieseraustralia in Geelong this pre season to get the body ready for 2017 ??#Repost @kieseraustralia Footy is back! Geelong Cats player @danielmenzel10 is excited after doing some rehab at Kieser Geelong in preparation for the 2017 season. Dan has had 4 ACL reconstructions - check out Dan's website @mtmf to read his story and hear his advice on the physical and mental aspects of injury recovery! You might also want to get yourself a hat! #rehab #footy #kieser #acl #mtmf