It's so important to have outlets throughout any setbacks or recovery. Whether it be a hobby, study or work, it helps keep the balance needed throughout difficult times. For me it was coaching, studying as well as other things to turn too when footy wasn't going as I wanted. Commentating was one that kept me focused on the game rather than realising the disappointment of not being out there playing. Everyone is different with unique interests, just try and find out what works for you to stay positive when things aren't going to plan! #MTMF

It's so important to have outlets throughout any setbacks or recovery. Whether it be a hobby, study or work, it helps keep the balance needed throughout difficult times. For me it was coaching, studying as well as other things to turn too when footy wasn't going as I wanted. Commentating was one that kept me focused on the game rather than realising the disappointment of not being out there playing. Everyone is different with unique interests, just try and find out what works for you to stay positive when things aren't going to plan! #MTMF